LOL I Get banned at C-Lo's site for telling the truth about Jim Fiest Suxs


Oct 31, 2004
This is hardly the worst day of my life by any means. I do not need any counsulling or meds to say the least.:lolBIG: I went to a competing website that advertises in the sitepromotions forum that many here are well aware of and get banned for telling the truth about the scam artist JFS. Its funny the person that is sounding the warining signal for people to stay away from a thief and lier gets banned. By the way Jimfiestsux is still an unbanned member of this great forum. CHOPTALK gets banned for telling the truth. JFS keeps his membership. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!

One of the members of the mod team even told me that my opionion about JFS was welcome at his forum. He said that my comments about MrSux would kept in the forum. Thats news to me. How can I tell people about this scam artist if im banned?

Dont bother going over there and trying read the truth that I posted over there about JFS because all those threads were deleted. For some reason or another these people want to protect JFS for one reason or another.

Im not home right now but I have all the deleted threads saved on my computer and when I get home I will post all these threads that they have been keeping you from being able to see.

But I must warn everyone. Roxy and Lakers and perhaps even Kruser are going to tell you I got banned for bashing RoxyGirl. This is only partically true. The reason I bashed her is because she said JFS was not a scam artist. She later took back those comments and said that I mis-understood what she said.

A poster by the name of Markie Mark made the comments that JFS is a thief and a scam artist. Roxy Girl replied to Markie Mark by saying that his comments wernt true.

So as of this moment CHOPTALK is banned and Jimfiestsux is not banned. Is there not something wrong with this picture?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Sorry Choptalk, interforum drama is Rubber Room materiel.

Thanks, wil...

Oct 31, 2004
I would like to commend RoxyGirl for doing the right thing. She unbanned me, and then banned JFS. This is the nice letter I got from her a few seconds ago.

we can ban jfs but hes history anyway.he wont be back. i will unban you IF we make peace. you were really horrible to me during the summer and you had more than your say regarding me.your a decent poster tho and we would love having you but youve got to work with me and not against me. do you agree?

Thats more like it. I never wanted to be an asshole. I am a person of principle. I will always stand up for what I believe in no matter what. Even though this was semi forced. At least you did the right thing. Thats whats important.:toast:

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
In a perfect world, JFS would disappear from all the forums, but I'm sure he's got his "next step" methodically planned out....

Keep your chin up, Chopper, you're one of the "good guys" .... Baseball will be upon us soon, and I expect to see you posting those winners, buddy :103631605

Hope the holiday season is a happy one for you, you definately deserve it after what you've been thru the past few months

Oct 31, 2004
ego74 said:
In a perfect world, JFS would disappear from all the forums, but I'm sure he's got his "next step" methodically planned out....

Keep your chin up, Chopper, you're one of the "good guys" .... Baseball will be upon us soon, and I expect to see you posting those winners, buddy :103631605

Hope the holiday season is a happy one for you, you definately deserve it after what you've been thru the past few months

Thanks Ego.
It looks like the folks at MVP has stepped up and done the right thing. Kuddos to RoxyGirl. This may seem small but its the principle of the matter that counts. And RoxyGirl and the people at MVP did the right thing after all.

EGO, I have been wanting to check your site out but lost the URL. Can you PM at OPU so I can register. Thanks.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Thanks Ego.
It looks like the folks at MVP has stepped up and done the right thing. Kuddos to RoxyGirl. This may seem small but its the principle of the matter that counts. And RoxyGirl and the people at MVP did the right thing after all.

EGO, I have been wanting to check your site out but lost the URL. Can you PM at OPU so I can register. Thanks.
how about saying your sorry to ME for the horrible things you said about me all summer chop? it began here and it would be very nice if it finaly ended right here.:howdy:
Sep 20, 2004
I can say that Roxygurl made the right decision reinstating Choptalk on the site. How can JFS be betting these games and yet not pay someone a simple nickel, or even borrow it from his big time godfather who apparently has "nickels" laying falling out of his pockets into the cushions of the couch all day long.

Sooner or later a scammer's true colors come out on these forums!!!

Where has the scumbag been on the net? Haven't seen the con anywhere lately?

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Sportsrmylife said:
I can say that Roxygurl made the right decision reinstating Choptalk on the site. How can JFS be betting these games and yet not pay someone a simple nickel, or even borrow it from his big time godfather who apparently has "nickels" laying falling out of his pockets into the cushions of the couch all day long.

Sooner or later a scammer's true colors come out on these forums!!!

Where has the scumbag been on the net? Haven't seen the con anywhere lately?
hes landed at another forum. ya just have to know where to look. the man generates traffic and thats why hes able to go from 1 forum to another. the forum uses him and he uses them.its just bizzness.:scared1:

New member
Feb 9, 2005
choptalk -- to be accurate -- I have never called JFS a thief. I called him out at MVP for being a TOUT and a Scammer.

Oct 31, 2004
Markie Mark said:
choptalk -- to be accurate -- I have never called JFS a thief. I called him out at MVP for being a TOUT and a Scammer.

A scammer is the same thing as a thief. Trust me and take my word for it. JFS is indeed a thief.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
who cares about that Ghosttown anyway???

no traffic there - yawn

I do hope you get paid, but I doubt it. Anybody who helps that POS out should have their rep tarnished

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Glad to see things work out Choppie!
No Chance in Hell, Yawn huh? Well, we have our member list turned off so when people leave they are gone. Here they leave it on 2 hrs to keep stats which is great we just dont have ours on as of now. So, youre not calling our members lame are you? Cause I know of some very well known names here that are members there just out of respect for our place that loves to just share plays, contests, and just help each other out like we suppose to! Ho hum, we will get there one day hopefully!!!!!!!

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
RoxyGurl said:
the man generates traffic and thats why hes able to go from 1 forum to another. the forum uses him and he uses them.its just bizzness.:scared1:

this is what bothers me about most of these forums. its like if you knowingly help a criminal avoid police. thats why i tell posters to watch out for yourself because the forums dont always.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
RoxyGurl said:
hes landed at another forum. ya just have to know where to look. the man generates traffic and thats why hes able to go from 1 forum to another. the forum uses him and he uses them.its just bizzness.:scared1:

the motto goes

there is an ass for every seat, even in cyber world

fwiw .........he is useless information,

you are right about 1 thing it is a scummy business.. and for all of you new members, do not trust ANYONE in cyberworld.. too many freakin agenda's

MVP 4 Life!!
Nov 9, 2004
None of us can see into the future and to hold MVP accountable (or near the same level) for the stupid/f**ked up things JFS has done to people isn't totally fair IMO. He is a GROWN MAN and makes his own choices/decisions in this life and what he decided to do to people was wrong! Now should he be punished for his actions? Without a doubt! And he will be, one way or another because karma always always always comes back around. It sucks people got screwed over by him, and yes in hindsight we at MVP should have never allowed ourselves to be associated with someone like this but mistakes happen and now we are doing our best to try and correct them and to also ensure that we learn from this so it or anything like it will never happen there again!

JFS gave us his word, the same way he gave Choptalk his word that he would pay him the $500 if he lost, and he went against what he said and that's why he's garbage! :finger: Now looking back should MVP have known better? Probably. It sure feels that way! Just like I'm sure Choptalk feels he should have known better than to trust someone from the internet making good on a cash bet. But just as MVP screwed up so did Choptalk, and I'm 99.9% sure that just as MVP did, he'd be the first to admit that. So it seems we're all kinda in the same boat. Now do we sink or swim? Is Choptalk a bad/stupid/naive poster and person? From what I've seen in my time here my answer would be a big fat NO!! He is a great person who adds a lot to any discussion or forum he may be at. Is MVP a bad/stupid/untrustworthy place to go to?? I gotta give a big fat NO to that one as well!! If anything I think the exact opposite is true, that MVP and the great people there make me feel just as, if not more welcome and happy to be part of than any other sports forum site up and running today!! But don't take my word for it. And please whatever you do don't take JFS's word on it! :lolBIG: Just go take a look for your own self and then you decide. :103631605

Oct 31, 2004
Nevermind all the nice things I said. JFS has just been unbanned at MVPSPORTS101.

I guess it was just lip service.

New member
Feb 9, 2005
MVPSPORTS101 take yet another hit to their already tarnished reputation. You guys are your own worst enemy. What a joke.

Oct 31, 2004
Here is the PM I got from the head mod of Mod of MVPSPORTS101 about a week ago.

we can ban jfs but hes history anyway.he wont be back. i will unban you IF we make peace. you were really horrible to me during the summer and you had more than your say regarding me.your a decent poster tho and we would love having you but youve got to work with me and not against me. do you agree?

I lived up to my end of the bargain 100%. They did not. :pucking: :finger23: :machinegu

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Chop come on man! He was on there to apologize just like you bro! Cool heads man cool heads!

Oct 31, 2004
C-LO said:
Chop come on man! He was on there to apologize just like you bro! Cool heads man cool heads!

If thats all he was there for why did you post this following message

Dude, I never banned you! I always said you could post all you want but just in all the others sections! Glad you got that court deal straightened out though! Keep your head clear and eyes open! I will talk to you soon, busy right now!

He did not apologize to me. He did quite the oposite of that to me. I am the only one in this mess that deserves an apology.
The only thing he did to me was call me a prick that deserves to get stiffed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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